2D is not flat anymore

We all understand how space works, the entire point-line-plane-volume analogy (to be put in extremely bare terms)
But in today’s age of cutting edge architecture, is 2d surface just a plane or rather a relief that the designers are free to carve out?
There are so many techniques which infuse depth in these mundane surfaces, primarily the walls, floors, partitions, furniture and in few interesting cases the ceilings as well.
Let’s have a curated look at how the world of surfaces is changing our perception of 2 dimensional planes. See them refreshingly pop out as 3d art with the help of new materials, textures and geometry (organic as well as angular)
Materials and their inherent textures:

Wood: Wood has been used as an age old material to clad our surfaces, look at the below variants of this material to create striking 3 dimensional effects.
Shear wall art. This look is so versatile that it can be used for walls, partitions or any fixed furniture.

We don’t think of wood very often when we think of ceilings, but with such intriguing patterns of wood in the ceilings, you can add drama to an otherwise ordinary room.
Stone, if used correctly, imparts sylvan glory. You can use original stone or laminates with stone or concrete finish in unison and play with colours and textures to add depth to your walls. They are available with many leading laminate vendors.

Depending upon the textures used, stone and wood, when combined can give us a very rustic feel or on the contrary a very contemporary look. They look equally eye catching in interior as well as exterior surfaces.
Colours and patterns

How colours when placed in intricate or geometric patterns breathe life into surfaces and lure our eyes in their depth and intensity.
Optical illusions

The play of light, shadows and pattern impart an intriguing quality to surfaces and trick our eyes into believing more than what actually exists. This technique is quite in vogue with contemporary designers who use them in all surfaces.

Even subtle reflective surfaces, (not necessarily mirrors) with their sheen can cast depth to your interiors.

What do you think of embossing, weaves and textile finishes on interior finishes? We think that it’s a game changer in 2d surfaces.