At a Glance: Vibrance Restroom Cubicles

When it comes to restroom cubicles, all leading establishments recognize the significance of contemporary design elements and trends. A commercial restroom doesn’t have to be dull or boring! One way to stand out is by incorporating vibrant restroom cubicles from Greenlam Sturdo, a trusted brand from Greenlam Industries. Our ‘Vibrance’ collection features four restroom partitions designed in tune with the latest trends. Let’s look at them in detail.
Take the elegance of your restroom to the next level with the Rage series. Featuring high-pressure compact laminate privy divider panels, the cubicles from the Rage series are crafted to redefine your restroom’s grace. The Rage series brings a blend of class and functionality to your restroom, which everyone would admire. These contemporary cubicles are built from the extruded anodized aluminum top rail and vibrantly colored and textured stainless steel.
Simplicity can also be beautiful and the Serene Cubicle models prove that. These restroom cubicles offer high durability and easy assembly. Constructed with an extruded aluminum anodized top rail and polyamide hardware, the Serene models deliver a clean and sleeker look to your restroom. If you are looking for minimalistic restroom set up, the Serene models will compliment your idea.
If your commercial restroom is facing heavy usage and footfall, the chances of damage are higher. You want your restroom space to be elegant and functional, and with the Elegance model, you can attain that. The vibrant cubicle partitions meet your cubicle criteria for sturdiness and durability. These cubicles feature a robust aluminum pole construction, making it suitable for areas experiencing heavy traffic and prone to damage from wear and tear, while also bringing the elegance of your restroom up with plenty of color options.
If you are looking for a combination of stability and style, the Splendid series is what you need. The Splendid series cubicles are perfect for renovation projects where you are going to be using existing walls in your commercial restroom. With the Splendid series, replace your traditional cubicle doors with contemporary masonry. Go on, upgrade your commercial restroom with improved functionality and aesthetics. The Splendid series models come with 12mm thick compact laminate doors with aluminum and nylon polyamide fittings and at an affordable price.
Related: Designing a Public Restroom? Read this Blog!
Wrap Up
Every notable establishment invests notably to ensure that its commercial restroom provide a pleasant experience to its employees, visitors and customers. With a strategic plan and the right restroom cubicles, you can elevate your restroom’s ambience to a new level. To discuss your requirements or learn more about our restroom cubicles and locker solutions, simply call +91-11-4279-1399 / +91 11-4950 1499. You can also write to us at